Script Installation Service - Preview
Script Installation Service - Preview

Script Installation Service


In Stock
  • 0.00020525451559934 aprox.
  • 78.47414865358 aprox.
  • 81.18464635968 aprox.

Script install service

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Note: If you have purchased one of the scripts available on the website, you are entitled to a free first-time installation, so there is no need to pay for the installation service. You only need to pay for this service in case of future new installations.

Installation service of PHP scripts in your hosting. It applies to my scripts as well as third-party scripts.

The service is limited to installation and pre-configuration, does not include:

. Bug fixes

. Translations

. Modifications or any type of customization that requires changes to the source code of the script

There is no guarantee of 100% functioning in third party scripts after installation, if you have any problems with the script the buyer is responsible for requesting technical support from the script developer.

When making the purchase use the Comments field to inform the following data:

. CPanel access URL, username and password for your hosting

. URL where the script should be installed (if there is more than one domain)

. License key if needed

. Email and username for admin user registration

To expedite the installation process, upload the script and its documentation to your hosting.


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