2022-11-04 10:45:53
Hello friends and customers.
Although it seems that everything is frozen in time, without new scripts or news, I'm working hard here. Many customers are having problems using SCM (and other scripts) due to the limitation imposed on some countries, this motivated me even more to put into practice a project I had in mind for some time.
So it's with great pleasure that I publicly announce that I'm creating a proprietary payment service, which will be used by all scripts that will make everyone's life a lot easier and reduce costs with fees as well. I've been working on this project for a while now and I'm really excited about the features I've implemented in it, and I hope that once it's released, you customer will also really like what you'll see. As it is a large and complex project, it will take some time to finish and officially announce it, but wait as the wait will be well recommended.
With this new payment service, I will also change the way scripts are sold, and from the launch of this payment service, the scripts will be sold in the Saas model (software as a service) and will have plans with monthly/ semiannual/etc with hosting included. This change will allow some improvements that will benefit me as a developer and also you customers, reducing costs, facilitating technical support when necessary and allowing automatic script updates without the customer having to do it manually (as happens now with CyberMiner for example).
The creation of this payment service will also benefit the use of our scripts, with features ranging from listing active sites (to attract users to your site), sending/receiving/transferring payments at no cost and even registering/login on your website using the payment service's own account (social login).
There is no specific release date for this payment service, but as soon as everything is ready I will announce it here on the site.
I also want to announce that I intend to create a script similar to TrxBlue/TrxWorld/MinerTrx that many customers have already asked me to do. I still don't know if this script will be released along with the payment service or later, but it is guaranteed that it will be released, so stay tuned if you are one of those customers that has been asking me for this script.
Anyway, these are the news that I've been working to deliver to you customers very soon, I hope you like the news because I'm doing my best to always bring solutions for your projects and businesses.
Best regards
Smarty Scripts